1918 and 2018 Timeline

This timeline shows events of the First World War (1918) alongside the modern day commemoration services held in venues in Dawlish, Holcombe and Cofton in 2018.

1918 Month 2018
February  Service of Commemoration 16th February

Thomas T Hallett

Service of Commemoration 14th February

William Way

Service of Commemoration 19th February

Reginald Charles Bright

 3 March  Trotsky signs Peace Treaty for Russia with Germany

21 – 23 March 2nd Battle of St Quentin

March  Service of Commemoration 21st March

William Henry Horwill

Service of Commemoration 23rd March

Walter Lennox Andrews

Service of Commemoration 28th March

Peter Snell

 10 April  Battle of Messines April  Service of Commemoration 4th April

Andrew Alexander Selley

Service of Commemoration 10th April

Percival Ernest Abell

Frederick Samuel Luscombe

Charles Uppleby Geidt

Service of Commemoration 12th April

Edmund Charles Crook

 9 – 25 June German Spring offensive begins June  Service of Commemoration 9th June

Frank Baldue

Service of Commemoration 20th June

Wilfred Carman

Service of Commemoration 27th June

Margaret Jane Fortescue

 15 – 17 July last phase of German Spring offensive July  Service of Commemoration 13th July

John Sparkes M Gilpin

Service of Commemoration 20th July

Arthur Gilbert Walsh Church

 8 August 100 days offensive on Western Front August Service of Commemoration 26th August

John Cutcliffe

Henry John Harris

Service of Commemoration 27th August

Arthur John Moore

September  Service of Commemoration 28th September

Percival Samuel Harris

 30 October – 4 November German Navy mutinies October  Service of Commemoration 4th October

George Blackmore

Service of Commemoration 6th October

Stephen Leaman

Service of Commemoration 12th October

John Jeffry Nicholls

Service of Commemoration 17th October

Reginald Alexander Honour

Service of Commemoration 18th October

Kenneth Reginald Flint Kemp

Service of Commemoration 20th October

Harry Cruse

Service of Commemoration 25th October

James Edwin Kerswell

11 November 6am Armistice signed at Compiegne

11  November 11 am Fighting ceases

November  Service of Commemoration 6th November

George Henry Cole

Service of Commemoration 9th November

William Henry Burch

Armistice Day Commemoration 11th November

December  6th December

Leonard Charles Dallman

7th December

Harry Reginald Scott