1915 and 2015 Timeline

This timeline shows events of the First World War (1915)  alongside the modern day commemoration services held in venues in Dawlish, Holcombe and Cofton in 2015.

1915 Month 2015
 19 January First zeppelin raid on London January
 19 February Naval attack on Dardanelles February Service of Commemoration 16th February 2015

Paul Holman

 10-13 March  Battle of Neuve Chapelle March Service of Commemoration 13th March 2015

Walter Stoyle

Service of Commemoration 17th March 2015

Clarence Henry Crook

 22 April -25 May 2nd Battle of Ypres, Germans attack with gas

25 April Launch of Gallipoli land campaign

April Service of Commemoration 16th April 2015

George John Pessell

Service of Commemoration 27th April 2015

Wilfred George Jackson

Service of Commemoration 28th April 2015

Edward Mudge

7 May Liner LUSITANIA sunk by U-boat

9-15 May Battle for Aubers Ridge



May Service of Commemoration 9th May 2015

Frederick George Ford

Service of Commemoration 13th May 2015

Alfred Samuel Baron

Service of Commemoration 23rd May 2015

Frederick William Bond

June Service of Commemoration 22nd June 2015

Thomas Frederick Jarman

 6 – 29 August Gallipoli August offensive August Service of Commemoration 24th August 2015

Stanley James Crook

15 Sept – 4 November 2nd Battle of Artois

25 – 29 September Battle of Loos, Flanders

September Service of Commemoration 25th September 2015

John Gwyne Anning

Sidney Cornelius

Frank Charles Cotton

Ernest John Criddeford

William John Dew

Albert John Hooper

Ernest George Martin

William Henry Stevens

October Service of Commemoration 14th October 2015

Sidney Harold Kerswell

 7 December  1st Siege of Kut, Mesopotamia December