This timeline shows events of the First World War (1914) alongside the modern day commemoration services held in venues in Dawlish, Holcombe and Cofton in 2014.
1914 | Month | 2014 |
January | ||
February | ||
March | ||
April | ||
May | ||
June | ||
28 July Austria-Hungary declares War on Serbia | July | |
1 August Germany declares War on Russia
3 August Germany declares War on France 4 August Germany invades Belgium and Britain, by treaty with Belgium, enters the War 7 August British Expeditionary Force enters France 20 August Germans occupy Brussels 23 August Battle of Mons
August | 4 August – First night of “Oh! What a Lovely War” at the Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish, running for a week.
Service of Commemoration 6th August 2014 |
5 September Battle of the Marne, German advance on Paris halted | September | 14th September Percy James Jackman (data added 9/11/2016) |
19 October – 22 November 1st Battle of Ypres | October | Service of Commemoration 17th October 2014
Service of Commemoration 24th October 2014 |
1 November Battle of Coronel, off coast of Chile
November | Service of Commemoration 1st November 2014
Service of Commemoration 8th November 2014 |
8 December Battle of Falklands | December |