1917 and 2017 Timeline

This timeline shows events of the First World War (1917) alongside the modern day commemoration services held in venues in Dawlish, Holcombe and Cofton in 2017.

1917 Month 2017
 Severe Winter on Western Front January  Service of Commemoration 8th January

Samuel Alfred Chapple

Service of Commemoration 13th January

Thomas Alfred Smith

 23 February – 15 April German withdrawal to Hindenberg Line February  Service of Commemoration 17th February

Arthur Charles Burch

Service of Commemoration 19th February

George Pike

Service of Commemoration 24th February

Edward Maurice Scott

 26 March  1st Battle of Gaza March  Service of Commemoration 30th March

Frances George Larcombe

6 April  USA declares War on Germany

9 April  2nd Battle of Arras and Vimy Ridge – 17 May

April  Service of Commemoration 10th April

James Henry Hill

Service of Commemoration 15th April

George Carter West

Service of Commemoration 17th April

Hubert John Bright

Service of Commemoration 22nd April

Charles Maurice Sewell Peters

Service of Commemoration 24th April

George Knapman

 5 – 15 May Allied offensive on Salonika Front May Service of Commemoration 22nd May

Henry Herbert May

Service of Commemoration 27th May

Harry Norman John Gibson

Service of Commemoration 28th May

Walter Henry Scott

 13 June  Heavy bomber raid on London June  Service of Commemoration 22nd June

William Pitts

 31  July 3rd Battle of Ypres  (Passchendaele) starts July  Service of Commemoration 31 July

Wilfred Claude Williams

August Service of Commemoration 2nd August

William Joseph Marks

Service of Commemoration 8th August

Thomas Norman Lewis

Service of Commemoration 9th August

Albert Mayne

Service of Commemoration 29th August

Charles Henry Blackmore

Service of Commemoration 31st August

Percy John Hockaday

 20 – 26 September Battle of Menin Road Ridge September  Service of Commemoration 16th September

Holroyd Edward Hamlyn

Service of Commemoration 20th September

William Robert Holloway

Charles Frederick King

Service of Commemoration 22nd September

Reginald Charles Blackmore

 26 October – 10 November 2nd Battle of Passchendaele October  Service of Commemoration 4th October

William Frank Tapley

Albert Henry West

Service of Commemoration 7th October

Herbert Arthur Garrett

Service of Commemoration 16th October

Philip Gladstone Pope

Service of Commemoration 26th October

Leonard Reggie Stephens

William Blatchford

Thomas Pook

 7 November  October Revolution begins in Russia

17 November 2nd Battle of Heligoland Bight

December  Service of Commemoration 2nd December

Archibald Frederick Davies

Service of Commemoration 7th December

Albert William Davis

Service of Commemoration 19th December

Frank Samuel Dart

Service of Commemoration 28th December

Arthur George Dodge